Swimming with a menstrual cup

September 22, 2022

This is a short guide for those who want to carry on with their life with zero worries about their period. Indeed, having a period disrupts quite a few activities women engage in. In many cases, you can go to swim, dive, to the sauna or have penetrative sex, but you don’t feel comfortable enough. So you end up resigning from these activities anyway. Menstrual cups may be a solution to this problem. They are safe and comfortable, but let’s look into more details.

How Do Swimmers Deal With Periods?

During sport, your body releases endorphins, which are natural painkillers. If you want to swim, don't resign because of a period. It may even relieve the period cramps. The only realistic options are tampons or menstrual cups. If you use a fresh tampon or empty your cup before a swim, you’re unlikely to leak any period blood or other bodily fluids into the water.

Can You Go Swimming With a Menstrual Cup?

The short answer is yes. Water pressure won’t change the seal of the cup. No blood will get out, and no water will get in. If you feel comfortable wearing your cup during your everyday activities, it will be the same in water. To ensure your comfort, you can try to use a cup in a bath first and see how it feels. Once you try, you'll notice that swimming with a menstrual cup  is safe and comfortable.

Can You Go Diving With a Menstrual Cup?

This is a bit more complicated, as there is little research. Professional divers claim that they safely use a cup deep underwater and feel well protected. However, we cannot guarantee that for sure. Moreover, if you’re diving in the water that is inhabited by sharks, you may feel less at ease. There are accounts of divers who swam with sharks on period, and noticed their lack of interest, but there’s little research into that.

Can You Go to the Sauna With a Menstrual Cup?

As long as your cup is made from medical grade silicone, then yes you can. Be careful, though, as there are cups made from TPE (thermoplastic elastomer), which will melt in high temperatures. It’s best to check the official information released by the producer. To be fair, at specialized stores you can buy a tampon that can be used in high temperatures of saunas. However, this solution was never popularized. It’s more problematic because it requires a special product, whereas a cup is a universal period protection.

Can You Have Penetrative Sex With a Menstrual Cup?

That may surprise you, but there are special menstrual cups designed to allow for penetrative sex with a sex toy or a penis. They have a different shape than a standard cup. They are more shallow and hold smaller amounts of menstrual fluid. However, they solve the problem of cleaning after period sex. Why not Google it?

What Is the Best Cup for Swimming?

The cup that fits you during all other activities. You don’t need a special one for swimming on your period. All cups are good. Just make sure you choose the right size for the tone of your pelvic muscles.

Which Period Protection Is the Best for Vaginal Health?

Well, there’s no definite answer to that question. It’s best to consult a doctor and look into your situation. Menstrual cups have some advantages over standard tampons. They don’t absorb any water and don’t let any water get into your vagina. Seawater or swimming pool water contains bacteria or chemicals, which can lead to increasing bad bacterial growth and result in infections. With a cup, you’re protected against it. Additionally, some doctors recommend using them even without a period to prevent vaginal infections while using thermal swimming pools or jacuzzis, which are the riskiest. 

What if I Don’t Want to Have a Period While Swimming?

Your menstrual flow may be related to a variety of symptoms, that just make it no fun to enjoy sports activities. Pain, cramps, feeling bloated and nauseous are effective deterrents. Few people know, but it’s possible to skip your menstrual flow with hormonal contraception. Consult your gynaecologist and ask whether it’s possible for you. Some products are designed to be taken with a 7-day break every 3 months, not every month.